Submit an Application Form
You can apply for Building Regulations Approval online, you can find our application forms on our download documents web page and you can submit these via Email or by post.
What constitutes a commencement?
Till now we have tended to use the planning guidelines which talks about drainage or a significant section of foundation as being a commencement for building regulations, and also a commencement to prevent planning approval lapsing.
This is no longer the case!
Building regulation commencement is now very different as under the amended regulations, ALL of the foundation and ALL of the ground floor structure (slab) must be completed to be considered as commenced.
Types of Application Forms
Details of the Application Types which you can submit are given below:
Please note that if your project falls into any of the following categories, then it will require a Full Plans Applications:
1) Any works to a commercial property
2) Any works building over a public sewer
3) Any alterations to the fire protection of a structure
4) Any construction of a building fronting onto a private street
For information regarding the other types of application, please see the options below.
Application Types: Full Plans Application
This is a tried and tested system of control which requires plans, calculations and other details of the work to be submitted to the Council, together with the required fee and forms.
Provided they comply with the Regulations and other relevant legislation, the Council passes the plans. It is usual for work to proceed in accordance with the approved plans.
Records of decision notices are useful if you intend in the future to sell your property.
Application Types: Building Notice Application
This system of control allows work to be carried out generally without the need for fully detailed plans, all of the control being carried out on site.
In the case of a new building or extension, a Building Notice must be accompanied by such plans which are necessary to show the extent of the works together with a scaled site plan and the appropriate fee. Absence of a Building Regulation approval notice may not be acceptable to banks or building societies, and cannot be submitted for work in conjunction with buildings which are defined as a “designated” use under the Fire Precautions Act (i.e. most uses other than residential).
Fees are charged for Building Regulations submissions and site inspection
Application Types: Regularisation Application
This is a system to retrospectively seek approval when works have been carried out prior to the submission of building notice or the submission of a full plans application.
You should always seek approval for work first and this process must be regarded as a last resort. It is being used more frequently because changes have been made to the questions asked via the standard Law Society search. This now highlights work that has been undertaken without Building Regulation permission.
To apply for a regularisation certificate work must have been undertaken on or after 11th November 1985. The application must include:
- a description of the unauthorised work
- a plan of the unauthorised work
- a plan showing any additional work required to secure compliance with the Building Regulations relating to the building work when carried out
- East Sussex Building Control Partnership may require the applicant to take reasonable steps to undertake laying open the unauthorised work for inspection.